Without parliamentary or press scrutiny, policy not only lost touch with its partisan scientific advice, but also with reality itself. and fake news. 0 . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On one occasion he was chased by dozens of police for reading from a speech by Lord Sumption on the Coronavirus from 20 October 2020. As this is clearly not the issue under consideration, the question remains, what constitutes a gathering that is simultaneously a threat to public health, and how is the threat to be determined in a way that does not generate arbitrary power. What hogwash. A brief stop at a pub to regain strength was all what was need it. We therefore resolve that Heiko Khoo is expelled from ourranks with immediate effect. On Friday 23 April, I and Dr Heiko Khoo applied for a High Court Injunction against the Commissioner of Police to prevent violence against people exercising their right to free speech, protest and assembly in Speakers' Corner on Saturday 24th April.. Unverified Profile. Piers Corbyn is a key witness in the current undercover policing investigation which shows that he was subject to extensive undercover surveillance for 20 years from 1971. There are in fact only a handful of Branches, all small and plagued by the idea of a clique. Also very common in US Leftists, especially the younger ones, who make their political action into a serious, but plain hobby with High School mentalitys. Speakers Corner 8th March 2020. In fact, the main reason for the health crisis in Britain is to be found in the decline in the quality of treatment of elderly people after 2008. Keywords. If the possibliites are as brilliant as you say they are on your part,what are you losing? You didnt actually address a single point, however you did assert many I didnt say, and responded to these phantoms. The police assaulted multiple people men and women as they marched straight into the crowd. Khoo has been chased out of Speakers Corner on multiple occasions since December 2020 for orating in the designated Speakers Area of Hyde Park. He recently finished his PhD which examines China's social system and political economy using Marxist theory. Over the past 5 years, he liaised extensively with PC Steve Barnes from the Hyde Park Police to encourage, foster and promote the Speakers Corner tradition of free speech, democracy and a community of difference where divergent views are welcome. The news coverage of this and the police and government reports are completely misleading. If we dont combine past events with modern tactics, we will fail at the critical moment. Heiko initially supported a 3-week shutdown as it appeared that SARS-COV-2 was a totally new virus, which nobody had immunity to. Following Dr Khoos speech at least 80 officers arrived to chase Mr Corbyn and a few hundred people out of the Speakers Corner Area. Out of the blue the police aggressively marched towards the middle of a crowd of about 200 people listening to music. Mr Khoo has been living in a property . Dear Mr. Corbyn, He has lodged many complaints to the IPOC about this, but not one has made any concrete progress. As Trotsky did. 9th January 2022, Dr Chee L Khoo You are considered a Close Contact if you are living with someone who has COVID-19, have spent 4 hours or longer with someone in a home or health or aged care environment since they developed COVID-19. No more can a shop, a train, etc implement distancing measures that always conform to 2 or even 1-meter rules. Sadiq Khan, Dame Cressida Dick and Priti Patel must investigate the events and should make an apology to the public for misrepresenting the whole course of these events. Error: Please make sure the Twitter account is public. For many months, the International has been subjected to a systematic campaign of harassment and intimidation, organized by Heiko Khoo.This campaign, allegedly intended to inform the membership of the International, is in fact based on an avalanche of lies, insults,slander and disinformation. We have no reason to idealize either one or the other. However, like I quoted from Micheal Collins, we can make up our own rules. and not play their game. He holds very strong Marxist views and seems completely oblivious to the fact that his views and the views of the far-left Jeremy Corbyn (Piers's more successful younger brother) have been rejected more than once, and in fact the British . University of Southern California (USC), Keck School of Medicine (1995) 1245 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 717 Los Angeles, CA 90017. And, judging by the egotism evident in Woods writing, this isnt hard to guess at in the case of the IMT. 21st Century Wire's Podcast: INTERVIEW: Heiko Khoo on COVID Censorship Fernsehprogramm | klack.de Whether Heiko Khoo is conscious or not, such activities are indistinguishable from the work of a provocateur who seeks to destroythe organization from within. We therefore resolve that Heiko Khoo is expelled from ourranks with immediate effect. As a senior postdoctoral associate in the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research . Contact us. Marx in London Every Sunday 11am - 1pm (approx) Piccadilly Circus. Professor Neil Ferguson (known commonly as 'Professor Lockdown' and a former member of SAGE guilty of advising the govern. There has been a great split in Spain, some splits in the camp allied to Chavez (for, one has to credit, the noble reason of the anti-Ahmadinejad line in Socialist Appeal), and a dispute with the Pakistani national assembly member Manzoor Ahmed. Dr. Heiko Khoo's Interrogation By UK Communist Police Over Playing Success! The fact that the police are explicitly exempt in law from wearing such coverings when on duty begs the question, on whose advice, and based on what public health evidence did the police commanders request or require officers to wear face-coverings? The lack of evidence-based Covid public health decision-making by the. LBC the UKs number one commercial news talk station is launching a brand-new, 15-part weekly podcast hosted its award-winning evening presenter Iain Dale. The Silver Command was not told about this and was therefore unable to determine whether the situation was changing, and whether any action was needed. Request an appointment. Signed However, our fears that there is a faction inside police command who will seek to instigate violent conflicts was confirmed by the events on Saturday. HE has run the Karl Marx walking tour for years and has been a committed socialist for three decades. So this is why I have taken an interest in the IMT internal affairs (as well as having IMT acquaintances and being a frequent attendee of Hands of Venezuela events), and possibly why Dave is also interested. DRAFT OF THE INTERIM INJUNCTION ORDER SOUGHT, Skeleton Argument of the Claimants And we request an injunction against any interference against our election rallies on 24 April and 1 May at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park. Reaching this diagnosis is heavily dependent on the correct use and interpretation of . Whether this is to do with the attitude towards China, Iran or Venezuela only time will tell, but if Im honest I think as the Iran position shows, it might not be to do with reaping contradictory political positions but how best to work with workers groups and entryists in countries where support for theocrats (Iran), failed workers states (China) or blind anti-Americanism (increasingly, Venezuela) is prominent. Throughout the day there were no conflicts or violence. You can find a small example of that here, look for SMASH HLS Florida on Facebook, and thats a drop in the bucket. On 20 November 2020 Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London) said One of the great things about Speakers Corner and it is something that has been going on for centuries now is the ability for people to get a box or a ladder nowadays and make speeches. In other places, the left had over the past few years, spurts of discontent, but nothing more. Aetna Medicare Advantage. Dr Heiko Khoo - The Freedom Cycle Splits and differences are how any real political trend gains weight and character. In all the places you mention, the IMT are facing significant divisions in some cases between the opinion of activists on the ground and the IMT international secretariat. heiko khoo (@HeikoKhoo) / Twitter IEC Resolution on the Expulsion of HK E C Khoo, Port Coquitlam V3B5M7, 6049414688 - canadapages.com These acts were conducted by police officers and authorities and deprived the claimants of their rights under the Human Rights Act sections 10, 11 and 14. I am curious as I am about all groups on the Left. This sort of thing tends, in my experience, to lead to expulsions and public exchanges only when the internal democracy is fragile and one faction doesnt want to deal with the problems of an organised opposition. Many of the dissident groups just wanted change, not re-unification. Back to Top. Patron: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=1177998To Donate To The C.O.E Bentley Fund!https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick\u0026hosted_button_id=2GLEQYF6DXNH4 See exhibit of IOPC complaints. Super-spreader events where, for example, aerosol from group singing caused a wider dispersal of the virus, can also be slashed by ventilation or by being held outdoors. Reaction to Andrew Tate's ARREST & The TRUTH About Modern Women w/ @JustPearlyThings | JBL | Ep. For Questioning Doctrine, and Advocating change. However, Like John Dillinger, if we gain the support of the masses through deeds of action, we can covertly play a shadow war. View Events Calendar. 515-643-5100. Any matters concerning the enforcement of public health measures cannot be made the responsibility of the orators or speakers, without prohibiting them from speaking. I work with therapists to navigate the deep waters of our consciousness through Sandplay, a process that creates a safe space for stories to come to life. Im not bothered. DC is not the city I used to love. Mr Corbyns solicitor has sent 2 letters before action concerning his unlawful detention in Sheffield. Today the situation is as different as the English Revolution is. He writes the blog China Reporting which the last post on it (here) is said to be the one which has got him into hot water with the leaders of the IMT. But lets be clear: no one has expelled you from the WIL, this has been entirely your decision. Dr Heiko Khoo Unlawfully Seized Without Charge for Correcting Police He failed badly, and continued to fail until the end in 1865. Signposts Published a year ago | Comments. I arrived on Friday, so it's been a short but really productive and enjoyable trip. The Speakers Corner area is a location which is symbolically important for British democracy and where there is ample space for people to keep distant from each other if they so choose, or if they are asked, or even forced to do so. This Member has a reserve price attached to their video which exceeds your bundle price. However, this does not imply that officers or commanders are permitted to target specific political groups and individuals for harassment, intimidation or arrest. If you have the linke to the masses and we dont, what difference does it make if were not part of what youre doing? Matt Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, was confronted by Heiko Khoo on 12 July at the Royal Statistical Society, London. Khoo believes that the issuing of FPNs has been used by the police to justify illegal and discriminatory detentions, where the 4 es were often never employed. That the protection of public health has been employed as a false excuse to justify detaining Mr Corbyn on 11 occasions and Dr Khoo on 6 occasions over the last 11 months. Freedom Cycle HomeCovid/TyrannyP.U.B. Nothing to do with ego problems of my own which I think lowered your argument, made you come across rather foolish and half hearted. In the HMICFRS report on the vigil police chiefs and officers on the ground make numerous statements about their views of public health dangers, but they provide no evidence to justify these claims. However, as soon as the first gun was fired, they realized all that they learned was no longer completely useful. On the occasions Ive seen Alan Woods speak he has always been very adamant of his work from within the Labour Party, and his utilisation of entryism, as well as being scornful of his dismissal (he told an audience at the Venezuelan embassy that he had been removed from the party in the Blair era). Payment not verified Phone not verified Government ID not verified . The police had been watching that music event for at least an hour without taking any action. *DJ Riza CamHeiko KhooContent Over EverythingFor The Study Of Human Psychology and Behaviour.Camera I Use To Film; https://a. He graduated from University of Southern California . police are indicated by the current near universal wearing of face-coverings or masks by officers when in the open air. It is time for the people of London to stand up to the global capitalist elites and their governments and stop this descent into dystopian madness. The harassment has continued even after he declared his candidacy in the Mayoral election in London. Goodbye. I will assist communities to take command of these buildings for housing, for new forms of collective life, for work and entertainment. There is no indication that these officers have any medical, epidemiological or scientific knowledge about SARS-COV-2 transmission or that of COVID-19 nor that they have received such training by qualified and competent professionals. I trust the commissioner, the London Mayor and Priti Patel will launch an immediate inquiry with public representations into the false presentation of these events by the police, by the Home Secretary, and by the media. The Let London Live candidate for the Central/West constituency Dr Heiko Khoo had just finished a speech about his election and witnessed the events first hand. Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo v the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. [] Read the rest. But I think is Dave is right for taking an interest (as brief an interest as it may be) in the affairs of the IMT in this country Michael, because though they play a small part (they have a following who mainly operate in London, other socialist parties/organisations are more actively in the rest of the UK) their undoing does have a knock on effect on left wing politics, particularly far left politics here. I'm typing this in my hotel room in Washington DC as I prepare to head out to the dreaded Dulles Airport to fly back to the UK later tonight. Piers has been targeted for arrest in a discriminatory fashion. To this day, Eastern Germany sells Eastern products and merchandise, not found in the west. If you do not write, then you, by your own words, admit that you are stuck in a circle of outdated Dogma, unwilling to change, regardless of consequences. The IMT never did this. Indeed, the report also claims that the commanders at the event had insufficient communications and situational awareness and then refers to the arrival of Piers Corbyn at the event as a threat to public order. Mr Khoo's case was that he was occupying the Property not pursuant to a licence but to a tenancy, which took effect as an assured shorthold tenancy, of one room and two storage rooms at the Property. As you may know, the IMT has its own democratically elected organs. But it is altogether unworthy to look upon a fanatic warrior with the eyes of an obtuse and slothful shopkeeper. 2. Robert Wiktorin. Her article, "Wonder: The Key . SEE VIDEOS HERE, Professor Dolores Cahill degree is in molecular genetics and her PhD is in immunology where she was using antibodies and making libraries to try and improve the outcomes in cancer. The Government and the Mayor of London claimed to be guided by the science. The military is actually a weak point, not exploited. This case was brought by us because the police have harassed, intimidated and illegally arrested Piers Corbyn, Heiko Khoo and many others at numerous rallies, events and protests, including election rallies over the last year. he said If they were given the OK, the DDR would still exist today. Maybe that would be a good thing, because with the fall of Stalinist Russia, some real reforms could have been made in the DDR. Webinars & Podcasts Contact Dr. Heiko. All those pretty pictures of thousands smashing through, and pulling down sections; that was the west side of the wall, and west Germans doing it. This appears to be ongoing, or he remains an individual of special attention to police intelligence because of his political views and deeds. marxwalks.com No matter how much you read, you will never gain the upper hand, because the US WIL is completely inflexible, and in a number of ways hypocritical. The FDJ is even still alive and active. Heiko Khoo is a radio producer specialising in documenting public opinion. Great British Menu. One of the replies by Papakonstantinou to Khoos protests at this stage was to say that non-members had the opportunity to voice their opinions at the annual World Congress, which was intercepted by a chap called Mike Cutler, who asked: what sort of workers democracy is there going to be, when right from the start, workers and members of the founding organization get to whisper their voices and problems ONCE a year to the few in charge. Granted Im older then you both, however this shouldnt be a factor. This report appears to have been ignored by the police as no FPN has been issued to Dr. Khoo, and presumably not to the Duchess of Cambridge either. Over the past year, Mr Corbyn has been arrested on 11 occasions sometimes being detained for 23 hours. At the Sarah Everard event on 13 March Dr. Khoo spoke from the bandstand to the crowds. Youre assuming that the IMT has a far greater role to play if only if would do away with its old guard, members of which have personalities that you dont care for as authoritarian etc. Dr. Roz Heiko. Im not sure what they have against Khoo, or what he did to get expelled though questioning the divine mandate of Alan Woods is probably enough. Heiko Khoo Ejected From Speakers Corner London - Newsflare Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD | DocSpot For more than a year, a disgusting campaign to spread fear took the place of rational debate and thought. Khoo is a journalist and a member of the NUJ and a candidate for the London Assembly elections for the Let London Live Party. Heiko has prepared a comprehensive document explaining the events of the last year, which you can find on www.unmask.org.uk, Heiko Khoo Speaking in Speakers Corner 24 April 2021, Heiko protests in Google/Youtube HQ in London against censorship. He has had every opportunity to make use of thedemocratic channels of the organization to put forward his ideas. aggressive and unreasonable in their assault on the group, many people shouted at the police, saying slogans such as shame on you, what are you doing, we are peaceful you are violent. Did you even bother to read what I said? Dr. Bee Luan Khoo is currently an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). THE UNWILLINGNESS TO CHANGE AND ADAPT HAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE, THE DEATH RATTLE OF THE WORK TOWARDS PROLETARIAN LIBERATION. Therefore, lab-measured gait speed, step time, and step length . Including the Diary, Written on Location During the War in 1982 Dr Khoo originally trained in the University of Cambridge and obtained a Ph.D. in Zoology as part of the M.B. In the US Civil War, the South was badly outnumbered and outgunned, however, with more innovative tactics of a defensive war, and forcing the North to fight on ground of HIS choosing, he was continuously victorious. Related conditions. For Questioning Doctrine, and Advocating change. However, he is determined to Subscribe Now! This provider has 29 years of experience and is affiliated with Presbyterian Espanola Hospital. When this happened in the SWP, recently, on the surface it was about hacked emails, an overbearing organiser or too and a bunch of stuff about party democracy tacked on for good measure. View the map. The following was passed at the IEC on Thursday and is enclosed for the information of all comrades. Heiko Khoo expelled from the International Marxist Tendency, NEW: The Irish Taoiseach Podcast Is About to Launch, Why Jeremy Corbyn Could Prevent Keir Starmer From Becoming Prime Minister, Paul Mason Standing as Labour Candidate in Wales, WATCH: Tory MP Lia Nici Raises Sue Gray Point of Order in Commons. Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD (9 Ratings) Specializes in: Neurosurgery. However, the HMICFRS report titled The Sarah Everard vigil states of the speech A man (whom we now believe to be an associate of Mr Corbyn) was attempting to address the crowd by shouting at them from the bandstand using words to the effect of police are oppressing us, they are murderers. Now, seriously, I have high school classes to teach, classes full of kids who can barely complete a paragraph, much less worry about Heiko Khoo or any of this. I always said it was my favourite city in the world, but I'd say I'd give that [], This is the press release Global Radio have just issued. Bio. But he has not used these channels and all our appeals have been cynically ignored.These actions show a complete contempt for the most elementary norms of revolutionary morality ad discipline. Your actions are tantamount to sabotage of the work of See Morethe International -instead of constructive criticism channelled through the elected bodies of the organisation! Starvision Service GmbH on LinkedIn: #starvisionradiologie # Dr. Heiko Khoo Fights For Exoneration - Resistance GB ( Is He Shill Or Piers Corbyn the Mayoral candidate of Let London Live said: On Friday 23 April, I and Dr Heiko Khoo applied for a High Court Injunction against the Commissioner of Police to prevent violence against people exercising their right to free speech, protest and assembly in Speakers Corner on Saturday 24th April.. 80 Following the events in Clapham Common, Dr Khoo reported himself and the Duchess of Cambridge to the police online for the crime of attending an illegal gathering the prohibited Sarah Everard vigil. I said among other things: We must use new methods of militarization. If you would like to discuss to clarify we should do so ASAP, within the next week. The repression of the Sarah Everard vigil, of anti-lockdown protests and protests against the new police powers bill have no scientific justification based on public health.
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