When Page returned she berated Castle for stealing her car as he joked about singing along to the music. You blow out the back of your head. I did. Castle had still continued to ignore Bendix as she had commented on Madani's apartment, before she had questioned why Castle had access to the Homeland Security Helicopter that could fly them out of Ohio, before she then made it clear that she knew his actual name was Frank. She reached again, so Castle put her in a choke hold and swiped her feet. I think it's safe to say that Daredevil still has plenty of surprises in store for us. Nelson did know and finally told them that Russo and his crew were planning a bank robbery. Castle complied as Pilgrim left with the hostage. Punisher Fight Scenes | Punisher Season 2. Castle would make a hole to another room where they hid and they ambushed Olin's crew, killing three of them. She recognized Castle and asked if he killed Carson Wolf. Sure enough, Lance confronted and taunted Castle, angry at putting his noise wherever it did not belong. Castle went back to Billy Russo's warehouse and watched from above as Brett Mahoney surveyed the scene of two deaths: Anton Reed and Bobby. But there was so much death in Frank's backstory from his time in the Marines to his own beloved family and the gory trail of justice he left through Manhattan that it's hard to keep it all straight. Wanting to stop Clive's illegal operations, Castle and Bendix then set the entire studio aflame and walked away together, with Clive just making it out in time.[19]. However, he asked not to be shot in the face as he wanted his kids to recognize him. As one man took cover behind a pillar, the Punisher continued shooting at him, forcing him to stay hidden, before the Punisher then dropped the gun and had plunged his knife into the man's chest. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Let him go, Bill. Later, when Bendix was about to leave to return to a normal life, Castle said he would miss her and even hugged her, a sign of affection that he rarely showed to others. Micro told Castle that Operation Cerberus was totally off the books. Castle then traveled into El Paso, Texas, where he eventually tracked down Cartel Sicario, the final surviving Mexican Cartel member who had believed he had finally escaped from the Punisher's wrath as he had gotten over the border to Jurez. The unconscious Castle was taken to the mob's hideout where once he awoke, Finn Cooley explained that not only had Castle gunned down Nesbitt, the leader of the Kitchen Irish, but he had also killed his oldest son during a shooting. ""What do I look like, RadioShack? Russo then went in a fit of rage, unleashing his wrath by furiously firing his gun violently in Castle's vicinity, going against the urges of his robber comrades. Castle continued to walk until he reached the graveyard. ""What do you wanna do? As Punisher inspected the various guns, he looked at the bulletproof vest, noticing that the design on the front resembled a skull. ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Gaining the advantage in the fight, the Russian then head-butted the Punisher, before throwing him across the room, as the Punisher had then attempting to kick the Russian in the chest, but finding that this had no effect on his opponent what so ever, who had then managed to pick the Punisher back up and slammed him back down onto the floor again. ""You left men hanging from meathooks! Although most of the hour focused on flashbacks to Murdock's past with Elektra and her arrival in New York City, Castle wasn't far from anyone's thoughts. Standing victorious over the Russians, the Punisher then walked over to a now horrified Kazan, who insisted that he was not the Punisher's enemy. 'Micro to Punisher, Within ten minutes of being awake he reaches up and grabs my scrubs, yanks me down, and says, real close: 'Take me home. "YOU hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they STAY down!". At first, the only real change is that Frank served in Iraq and Afghanistan and the gangs who kill his family are a bit more fleshed out. When Daredevil tried to free himself and made more noise, Castle distracted Jerry and quietly and covertly aimed his gun at his head to warn Daredevil to remain silent. Heading to Alabama, the Punisher had ended up chasing down two members of the Dogs of Hell, shooting at them with a shotgun until they crashed. Castle decided that he would use the inevitable confrontation to his advantage, despite the risks to his own life and well-being. Castle then took a gas tank and swung it at Pilgrim. Castle grew mad at that question and left, saying that he will always call out to her when he appraoched the RV, if no one said anything, point and fire as it was not him. Castle then ran out of the room, telling Bendix to take cover. Having nightmares from his wife getting shot in the head, Castle frantically woke up and decided to work late on the construction site again. Castle noted that Rex was a good kid, while they shared a laugh about him seemingly knowing a little too much about the world, although Castle insisted that Rex was more interested in playing hockey. You don't like the way that it smells? Kingpin informs Frank that Fisk's rival, Dutton, in the prison just so happens to have been involved in the murder of Castle's family. Whilst he claims this was also to prolong his miserable life with a constant punishment of his wicked deeds, it is possible he could not bring himself to kill his former closest friend. Looking back at the diner, Castle noticed Micro waving to him atop the roof ans signaled him to call him on the phone that he is given before he left the premise. Russo interrupted Rawlins and told that they should focus on wiping everything on Micro's computers and will kill Castle himself. Castle and Bendix began their plan. He approached them and the men explained that John Pilgrim had put a five million dollar bounty on his head. Bendix had told Castle that he could not win, explaining that knowing how the game worked would not help, since she would then simply change how this was played if she knew that he knew, noting that the only way for him to win would be for him to never play in the first place. You will know pain and fear. During the torture, Gunner Henderson questioned Orange over what Zubair was saying, as Orange insisted that it was nothing important and demanded that Henderson not question his intelligence. Castle remained in the same spot until the lights were turned off, however, he discovered that he was not alone as members of the Kitchen Irish began to surround him. Castle wasnt the first character to get his own spinoff. Just as Punisher watched the kids suffering, he received a phone call from Russo who questioned if he was already out there in the woods, before mockingly reminding Punisher of how Carl and Hayley did not have long left until they would both bleed out from their wounds, as Russo then gave Punisher a reminded of the ticking clock he had to save them before he hung up their call. I'm offering you a job, Castle. He kidnapped Schultz and put a bag on his head. Castle ignored Madani's calls, continuing to watch for his targets outside of his car. Castle teased Madani about pulling her gun on him again, following their last encounter at the Royal Hospitality, before he made it clear that if Micro trusted Madani, then he did as well. Castle the stood up, saying she could have it if she took it from him. I would never give you up.Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. I told you. He didn't run, he didn't hide, he went to settle scores. Who needs me alive? Daredevil kicks him off the building and he lands on a car below. The Punisher warned that eventually, they would face each other one on one, although Russo denied this. Micro, a hacker and whistleblower who revealed details of an off-the-books hit squad within the US military, pulls Castle back into his war when he reveals that more people were involved in his family's death. Taking a position far away from Sicario, the Punisher set up his sniper rifle and watched while sicario celebrated his return with his allies before preparing to be pleasured by two prostitutes as his reward. Spitting out some blood, the Punisher had then glared at Barrett before walking away, with Barrett following. Since then, he's killed almost everyone, with Wolverine being one of his last targets. The Best Fight Scenes From 'Marvel's The Punisher' | Marvel One of the greatest things Ive ever done in my life was decide to finally start watching Daredevil (which was actually right after it got cancelled with the other shows) and seeing this scene made me realize just how iconic the show really is and made me appreciate the characters even more. Despite all his injuries, Castle was able to walk over to Cooley and threaten him with a shotgun, demanding to know who was responsible for the massacre at Central Park. Daredevil sensed there was a substantial amount of gunpowder below decks, which would cause a massive explosion if the gasoline from earlier was ignited. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. He continued to cause trouble across the city and created his own tribe in the abandoned Baxter Building. Castle pushed on as the facetime mirrored to a computer, showing David what they were saying as well as recording. However, Castle had then promised that he would pay Barrett if he told Konchevsky that he had the photos and the girl, which Barrett agreed to after they negotiated his percentage, with Castle managing to convince Barrett that he had turned to a life of crime, giving a phone number to call him on. Quinn asked if her having a young son bothered Castle, to which he questioned why it would, as she had noted that it could be too much reality for a traveling man. With all those who had a hand in the deaths of his family lying dead in morgues, in the streets and other places throughout Hell's Kitchen, the Punisher accepted closure and proceeded to burn away the last memories of his former life, setting his home on fire. Castle didn't want him to get exploded since he want to save him very badly, Hoyle then called the New York City Police Department so that there would be a witness to the explosion, but Castle wanted Hoyle to tell him how to disarm the bomb. She's squeezing me so tight I swear I was gonna bust a rib, you know? [10], Micro began to have second thoughts after seeing the aftermath of Castle's battle, but Castle refused to let him off the hook. However, Castle and the Larkville County Sheriff Station is attacked by John Pilgrim and his mercenaries who are retrieving Olin. Viewers, and Frank Castle, believed they knew what led to the tragic deaths of his wife and two children: They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught in the crossfire of three rival gangs while innocently enjoying a sunny day in Central Park. #death #deathpussinboots2 #deathwhistle #deathband #deathedit #deathpussinboots #deathremix #deathmetal #deathhuman #remixeddeathsong #deathbed Suddenly, Mahoney approached them, knowing they would be there. Bernthal also. During the night, Castle commented on the bells of St. Matthew's Cathedral, leading to Daredevil asking if he was Catholic. Rawlins answered that he and Russo had some mutual interest. Believing himself to be gravely outnumbered and likely to be killed during this final firefight, Castle recited his daughter's favorite poem of "One Batch, Two Batch" to calm his nerves as he prepared for his final gunfight. Bendix brought up Castle's daughter, Lisa Castle and asked if he ever envisioned her going off to college. Castle, donning his bulletproof vest with a spray-painted skull-like symbol, embraced the mantle of the Punisher.
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