My Bishop, Archbishop Scott McLaughlin, was to complete the Immigration work permit. It was clear there could never be discussion on the topic, so, with a heavy heart, we left the church. Hello Mr.Yancey! And keep researching, writing and editing. I reported the offending comments to the volunteer coordinator, Chaplain Paul and to AWI Brad Sass, but nothing was said or done about it. Your book Whats So Amazing About Grace? provided me with such freedom in my Christian walk especially now that i am Pastor. For details, go to I am a great admirer and follower of your writing and teaching and your Grace Notes daily readings are an essential part of my day. Reality and the Vision: 17 Christian Authors Reveal Their Literary Legacy, Word Inc. (Waco, TX), 1990. Thank you for asking the hard questions! I love the way Philip Yancey explains this in his book Whats So Amazing About Grace. Whats So Amazing About Grace. My eyes and heart were opened to Christ, but only partly. I am reading Disappointment with God for the second time, the first time was when I bought the book some thirty years ago. Couldnt all of that money have been better spent? I couldnt finish the Gracia Divina Vs. Condena Humana but this afternoon my dad found the english versin Whats so Amazing About Grace and that tile immediately got my attention, I forgot I had it as a gift from a Pastor I meet in North Carolina, making a long story short I started reading tonight and what a much difference feeling. He would think that the house was on fire, or some other serious thing, and drag his wife out of her bed in panic. I was in CO recently visiting my son at the USAFA for parents weekend and took the opportunity to buy Whats Good About God at the Focus on the Family bookstore. Every Blessing upon you and you family! Thank you for the reminder. You have had an influence on me, and my great-grandchildren will be the beneficiaries of some of that influence, and may never know your name or read anything you wrote. I really resonated with the sermon portion about India. That only deepens my burden for Richard. And that is where healing and freedom begins. Im responding to your encouragement that we should follow the example of our Lord in forgiving when he prayed for his crucifiers, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Although this prayer reveals that the heart of Jesus was full of forgiveness at that moment (a wondrous thing! However, its always stunned me that you will see people on TV who have suffered the murder of a loved one, or some other horrible injustice. What a thoughtful, honest expression. We will most likely never meet in this lifetime, but someday in glory we will have to sit and chat and laugh at the goodness of the Lord and rejoice at the wonderful lessons He allowed us to learn, and I will thank you in person for putting pen to paper and making sense of my recent hurts and woes. Hi Philip. Mdecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders) doesnt know why evil exists Thank you, Matt. I sure had my eyes opened reading your book Whats so amazing about Grace. ." And Ill quote some advice from a pastor friend of mine in Chicago. I wonder if you wrote that? What it actually says is that a golden rope was tied around the High Priests leg. I have a favor to askand Ill suggest in advance if its too muchI completely understand. I can identify with Yancey in a number of ways: his fundamentalistic churches and strict Bible school teaching mirrors my own. We simply didnt fit in, didnt fit the image. Thank-you very much. One day I saw Pauls memos on the Holy Communion table, just lying there waiting to be taken to the AWI for signing. I walked the streets on Montreal for days searching for the Taxi driver and finally found him and my documents which he had not handed in . Despite having traveled a vast distance from my conservative Christian origins, Ive never ceased to be moved his books. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Unfortunately the real problem is that I live in Mississippi, where, as of July 1st 2016, if one assumes that someone has had sex outside the confines of a heterosexual marriage, it will be completely fine to fire that person, deny him or her housing, and even refuse to provide such a person with a WEDDING CAKE. What I can do however is give an indication as to its importance in my life based on a recent event. I deeply struggle with that topic. Not long after the Korean War, a Korean woman had an affair with an American soldier and became pregnant. Philip. So I am wondering if there is some kind of a generic guide you can point us to, questions to ask while we read the weekly chapters and for discussion when we meet? I was exasperated on coming to this summation. I dont buy it. This is the second time I have commented here. I will share your response with the group. I received a reply from her office assuring me that my letter had been passed to the Governor-General of Canada. Blessings. Funny, isnt it, how those old houses like Downton Abbey and the Southern plantations, built on the backs of oppression and injustice, become such tourist magnets. Philip. I am a 60 year old physician who became a christian while an undergraduate at Michigan State University many years ago. We meet a few years ago at a CS Lewis conference. The idea is new to me. His musings on these questions eventually formed the basis for his book, Where Is God When It Hurts?, an award-winning volume that has sold over 500,000 copies. I cant say I understand, because I really couldnt understand unless I shared your experience. Thank you for your time and for your sermon! The shouting brought other people into this small space, and everything was in an uproar. Herbert Spencer and others created Social Darwinism and caused a huge amount of suffering. Earlier this evening I was listening to your talk on Suffering & Grace that you delivered at the University of Virginia in 2015. She feels you slandered both the church and the pastor. CT was definitely not anything I was encouraged to read (to say the least) but in ~2004 we were attending a church with a small group that was using your book What is so amazing about Grace. In the past few years where Ive finally begun to process all the pain in my life because I didnt have to be mother and just ignore the pain and push on, your books have meant the world to me. Im thankful for the grace that l learnt from it, and the lesson that Jesus brought that l almost missed: Between the cross and the empty tomb.theres hope for each of us My parents changed churches when I was a junior in high school, and it was then that I began to more fully understand grace and that Gods grace was greater than all of my sins. Although I had more seniority and was more experienced than Paul, he regularly belittled and discredited me in communications with the guardsand other staff [24]. I did not understand how He could allow such good people to suffer and continue to suffer. And I am a vegetarian (actually, the only animal products I eat are the eggs that are produced by my own hens)because of the abominable treatment of factory farmed animals in this country, and because I would never kill an animal for food (never mind sport). Lewis, aside from perhaps The Screwtape Letters which I enjoyed and was insightful, I couldnt seem to get through his superbly high language, especially his non fiction works. I have just started reading Prayer and confess to a kind of disappointment, for two reasons. I know what you mean about reading more about it than praying Philip. God bless you and keep on writing and reaching out to people like me. I was employed as a chaplain with Bridges of Canada from April 11, 2016 to February 14, 2017. This one took me about a month and a half. Then, I search the scriptures and I see nowhere are we asked to give blanket forgiveness as a response to those who have done wrong to us. It was your book that I had ordered for no particular reason. This is the child for me. THANK YOU FOR TAKING TIME TO LOOK AT THIS, Im sorry youve had to go to all this trouble, but I dont think this is my story, at least its not in Whats So Amazing About Grace. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may be rich in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). God chose you to survive, but the family returning from the Christian retreat in the minivan all lost their lives? Been reading almost all of your books. What a delightful grace note to receive from you. If a neighbors house burned down, the congregation would rally around and show charityif, that is, the house belonged to a white person. I didnt know their stories. I never ever endorsed a democratic platform or any candidate. We are just about the same age, which I was amazed to see. I wish I could help, Mariana, but its impossible for me to send an e-book to another country. Really amazing! Thank you for having the heart of Christ. If you dont agree with liberals, then we experience unceasing attacks meant for Trump, but received by those who voted him in. I am a 42 year old mother who was raised in the church. Also on his website here and in the Q & A section, he relates a funny story, renaming his books under mold instead of God. This is an ultimate proof of evolution. (With Paul Brand) In His Image, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1984. I have not experience the depth of suffering and disappointment like many in your book, but I have had some times of deep uncertainty, fear, and confusion. And further, if this is the case, how could anyone bend a knee to whichever deity is responsible for this plan? Interview: Philip Yancey on U.S. Christianity, Faith That Matters Of course, there were good qualities too. I am trying new churches, but I often feel a bit of a loner. I have been looking for a way to describe my experience for many decades, especially as I get older and realizing that there was and is some good that came/comes out of that whole chapter of my life. Hi Mr.Yancey! Just because a fellow Christian puts a lesser importance on a sin that is extremely important to you, doesnt give us the biblical right to bash them and pronounce that in our own judgment they can not be a Christian! Can you expand some more on your thoughts concerning election/predestination and how you look at it at this point? For me, there are two principles to keep in mind. But isnt it funny how God works? What a lovely, poignant Advent book. We have had this discussion about Christianity when you came to Dubai a few years back! Using many of the same techniques Jesus employed in his own ministry, Yancey tackles tough theological questions in a style that general readers can easily understand. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Death swallowed up in victory is something only Jesus can do, and you point us to Him through it all. But, I lack arguments, and mainly ideas on how to suggest this. Many people are being diagnosed with various mental disorders (for lack of a better term) that can interfere with their Christian walk. And Perhaps until that fine day, He sees most of us as being just temporarily out of order. Those whom we are able to support them with our presence, care and thoughts for them to go through their pain. He wants you to stand up and be counted! It turned my eyes to Gods goodness. Though, like our Lord, we must grow hearts full of forgiveness, we do not extend it to those who have hurt (or, even, harmed) us until these people are first blessed by guilt. Why? Philip. Your book is helping me recover for that. Yancey offers comfort for 'spiritual explorers' - Baptist News Global Hi Philip, Ive wanted to talk to my local vicars to discuss my situation, but they never seem to find the time. Thanks again! Can he elaborate/ clarify as I ended up with egg on my face. My friend pointed out that even if we had put in a new trailer, it would also be neglected and in a few years end up in the same shape. - Church Growth Magazine,, Was the Virgin Mary a Virgin? My worry was needless. Its small. Philip. You raise powerful questions and arguments that no one can fully answer. Tony Campolos writings are similarly infected, and in CT it is a terminal disease. rcc admissions and records phone number; aafp fmx 2021 abstract submission; rachel ripken married; seplat ownership structure; . Thank you for the honesty and transparency in your blog and books. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. Thanks for all your write-ups. Eternal bodies need the eternal earth to live on. I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on your understanding of the atonement, as I am curious about the way you briefly described the good news in chapter 9, ie. us that get to see no glimpse or what will happen a year or a second! Yours in writing It has given me additional assurance in growing my relationship with God. During that time, I was contracted to the Edmonton Institution, a maximum security prison operated by Correctional Service Canada. In January of 2017, an inmate gave me a very large envelope to take to V and C for mailing. Hello Philip I have read a number of your books and listened to you quite a lot and I love your honesty and forthright way of writing about the Christian life. Ive been raised in church and been in many different denominations, and Phillips books resonate with me. So, until we meet, thank-you for your work and may the Lord keep blessing you. No doubt in my mind. Close-mindedness has a horrible track record: slavery, priest abuse, mysogony, womens right to vote, etc. And frankly, obscene. If I talk to someone on the phone I picture their house or what they looked like last time I saw them. centered around insurance and banking contracts. We call it evil. There must be a source somewhere, but after 42 years (the books original date) and four moves, I doubt seriously that Ill be able to put my hands on it. Intellectually, you probably know that God loves you and you have worth. I told them that I suffered from panic/anxiety attacks when bullied, and that I had been on a long-term federal disability pension due to major depression [21]. Because we are time-bound creatures, limited to sensing the present and recalling the past, it maybe bothers or disappoints or upsets (or better word?) How Chinese traditional ways contrast distinctly with the Western is how it recognises empathy driven parenting absent discipline and obedience to Sacred Authority, whatever the intention, ends up creating miserable narcissists that refuse to recognise inherited duties. Even as the Christianity here is thoroughly European in images, tradition, rhythm (Christmas and Easter in Summer and Autumn makes no sense, symbolically or corporeally) and sensibility. Ive read the book and sat on my thoughts for a few days. [T]he so-called parents of the children who were massacred were merely Crisis Actors employed for a government-sponsored propaganda campaign to push for gun-control. Cheers I called Brian that afternoon to clear up the situation, telling him what my meeting with Mr. Rasmus had been about. Before one Meeting, I happened to notice a book on a packed bookshelf titled So, just how does a man whos been through all Yancey has, draw close to the God he once feared? So Id best decline. My father was distant and absent. I did visit the website. Please let me know if there is anything specific that I can pray for you. He is the recipient of a Christianity Today Book of the Year Award, two ECPA Book of the Year Awards, and eleven Gold Medallions. Yet when his 27-year marriage ended in divorce and depression set in, he realized he needed to climb another mountain, one that offered community and meaning. This topic may be worthy for you to write a book! Do you remember that story, if you do can you tell me which book it is from? Betty Annie Dillard and Henri Nouwen have also brought inspiration and encouragement. Youre very welcome. Im thankful. Actually, I talked with Richard just last week. I was overwhelmed with tears and moved to prayer. A delightful response, for which I thank you. It was a good effort, though! I read your Q&A regarding homosexuality and the churches. The only thing hollow is Phils disappointing attempt at suggesting the Christian God with His folded arms of indifference is something worth worshiping. I first came across staff from Dilaram houses ( YWAM) in Switzerland in 1975, I was searching for a purpose in life and they invited me to their Centre in Heerde,Holland where I went in early March 1976 . For the very first time, I began to read the New Testament.
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