Hundreds left or found other churches while Calvary scrambled to find a new leader, eventually settling on Pastor Doug Sauder, a less flashy but respected veteran of the organization. In Coy's case, Bailey made a relatively unusual ruling: All financial documents would be kept secret. I never missed a weekday or weekend service. There were only a select few who could say anything about anything. Gary #633. Lorenzo, Ive read all your posts and you are so full of hate and . "We need answers.". Several people who witnessed the accident immediately ran to assist the victims. Yes or no. From the camera shots of the kids in the audience-they werent buying it. ", "I haven't prayed enough for my Pastor Bob and his family," Beth Graber wrote. I believe with God all things are possible. Time for restoration. What I remember is that BC was supposed to speak at Fidels church and never did. #472, anonymous.. how are you related to all of this. 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. Saw something bad coming at the church when they allow immoral behavior by their congregation and do nothing. The problem is that youre not with Christ Jesus, who looked at Peter with compassion, but youre with a different being, an angelic being who accuses the brethren day and night! Good idea, Michael can we get you to confess like Coy? Antonio. Pray for Bob and his family.He is only human.We are all sinners.The devil is hard at work all over the world.Follow Jesus.He will not foresake you. I know nothing more then that he got caught. Fact. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale (CCFL) is an evangelical, charismatic megachurch in Florida, with over 20,000 worshipers attending on average. Dont ever disagree with him because he will pull out more bible passages and have your head spinning so fast that you will feel you are wrong. BTW My Grandmother the mother of 12 and Grandmother of 33+ and a bunch of great grand kids was the most Christian woman I ever knew and she was a devout Catholic so was Mother Teresa for that matter. It never happened. It works so it is a kind of method of delivery now. Confession is step one. Those in moral authority are more accountable than the flock. MLD, you have the right of it. Either way its wrong to take satisfaction as I did when others have fallen. Its actually a struggle for you to keep your commitment to your wife? Ill say the amen. I suggest you would be considered a loving person for doing the same. 3 And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD; and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither decide after the hearing of his ears; , -; - , . Ive sat under some horrible pastors that taught fairly well. Michael, my cell phone is if You have anything youd like to say to me. But with false doctrine he said, But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray., If I had to choose between a repentant Bob Coy or even a Moses model pastor teaching correct doctrine or someone who is morally correct under a board that makes the decisions for the church, and yet teaching false doctrine like that Jesus only died for the Christians and not for the whole world, that there is no free will involved in salvation, when the Bible continually tells us that there is, and when part of their foundation is replacement theology, that is, that the church has replaced Israel and that the tribulation has already happened, then give me the Moses model pastor, sometimes and in many cases we have to choose the lesser of the two evils, as Jesus said, The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; 3therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. He didnt say stop hearing them. Where is this supposed 1,000 yr earthly reign. The language of this episode smacks of a scenario like the one I just described. You have defended your right to report the story, which I cannot dispute, and have vigorously expressed that those who disagree are killing the messenger or throwing you under the busbut my point was not to indeed do such, but to state that, due to the lives that are affected by this story (his family), and yes, by his sin, which I do not excuse in any way, that it may not have been in good humanity or taste to have reported the story before the church did on April 6. saddened by the news regarding BC and CCFL. When it comes to judging their own sinprivate meeting and dont judge!. Secondly the Bible will say adultery or fornication but fornication can include many types of different types of sexual sin, its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. But that was a church that brought non-believers in by the busloads. I came to this blog long ago aghast that things negative were being said about CC. And since you have it all sorted out there is no reason for anyone to talk to you about it. I personally experienced an unfaithful fianc prior to the wedding and she was very involved in the church so I can sympathize as well as empathize on this issue. 1 Peter 4:8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. The topic of Bob Coy has brought many here who are shell shocked by what they read as opinions are strong. One of the many reasons I left. Should we handle this any differently? This time around you guys got it right. Like his mentor Smith, he looked for converts in unusual places. At Smith's church, "you could come in jeans, and it didn't matter what your hair looked like or how long your beard was," says Thumma, the Hartford professor. So if the message was right the hearing and application of that message will produce the right fruit! Read under the heading Modern Times and get a partial list of who holds this position. The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap, Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping pillow-drooler by night. The church still claims about 20,000 members, and on a recent Wednesday night, thousands of them poured in for a service led by Pastor Sauder, Coy's replacement. He had no reason to suspect that Jake would be an alcoholic. Derek I blame cheating not on power and authority but on mans dual nature and non-transformed salvation. Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. You didnt have the integrity and honesty to answer my question, and now you want me to answer yours! it is right there in your favorite Rev 20 passage. There was too much drama with Kennedys passing at Coral Ridge. Nearly 18 years on and there is still so much for the Lord to heal. So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. Some of the biggest anti-Semites have been Jewish! [9] I am praying for healing and peace and for the hate to be put aside and the mercy and grace of God to be poured out on all. NOBODY forget that because yes i kniw he did something bad but god doesnt deserve you walking away from him for a mans mistake. And I agree with Michael, resigned/fired can be one and the same in the business world. I have absolutely no sympathy for the adulterer. I admit that I sin regularly yet there has been a transformation that has taken place within me. He who is true God became true man united in one Person forever. Hope you stick around. Coy rented space for his church from a funeral parlor in Oakland Park and made ends meet by selling shoes while his wife worked as a waitress. He got caught for intent and not the deed. When she rebuffed him, she said he stalked her and put a "hangman's noose" in front of her house. I do wish he had faced the congregation, it would be helpful in the cleansing and restoration process, besides Ive seen him hold people accountable publicly and so should he but thats water under the bridge. So youre saying youve never viewed porn in all the time youve been married? Where am I wrong on this? At least some very close higerups did not because they are the ones who told Newnham knowing he would report it. I suspect that the laughs made him realize it more people in and maybe it became like a treadmill that you can never get off of. dont know if this is what you were going for but.. Used to be able to go space8)space & get the smiley with sunglasses. I always kinda felt sorry for his more than ever. Young women begged for photos. I like to know everyones sin here and blog about it. Thank you for the many years you have pastored Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, through your words and Gods grace my husband got saved. Also keep in mind that many here have something in common and that is bad experiences with churches and pastors, while some of us remain to try and minister and fellowship, as well as listen and empathize, with those hurts. Im not giving him a pass, not at all, hes absolutely called to a higher standard. Bob has helped save thousands with his teaching and we should leave the punishment up to God and pray that he will repent and use this fall to come back stronger than ever. He sat on a U.S. presidential advisory board and received weekly updates straight from GOP mastermind Karl Rove. You are listening to Luther and Augustine. Especially when you twist the truth and cannot backup your allegations. Coy also claimed that he passed a polygraph test to prove his innocence. The word of God tells us, For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of Gods glorious standard.(Romans 3:23 NLT). @616 The covenant with the many is for seven years. It's unclear how seriously they took the claim of the teenager whom New Times is not naming in accordance with our policy on reporting on victims of sexual abuse who said Coy had forced her to have sex even when she was only 4 years old. And the harmony in the animal kingdom and man will no longer be afraid of the wild beasts, only of the raging false teaching Calvinists! It was masterful manipulation off the main issue. Grace and mercy abounds. Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! They ended up locked in dueling lawsuits, with the pastor accusing Calvary's leaders of skimming profits and the Smiths charging that he used his influence running the radio stations to pressure women into sex. Mary! Money, Power and Sex: Mamon, Mars and Aphrodite. Maybe because of the internet??? I understand your reaction as a visitor. Anonymous? So 100 percent of all complaints should be at those in church leadership who leaked the news.. In 2005, Coy's church rented out Dolphin Stadium on Easter Sunday and drew more than 20,000 people. None of us are in a position to throw stones, judge, or cast aspersions upon or condemn himonly God can. Why does the emphasis these days seem to be on altering The Message in a manner which appeals to the culture?. And dont forget that one of MacArthurs disciples, Francis Chan, is constantly preaching that American Christians are too rich and need to give it away to the world, as part of his works-based errors concerning the Gospel. considering there is no evidence of what his moral failing was and no one has confirmed his affairs and his family is still in florida, I think you should wait and check your facts or state your source before making such a statement. When someone calls a corporation for a reference most will only speak to whether the person is eligible to rehire or not. No, he needs some healing and then he can work his way back into place just as two of the current worship members did and are clean now. Diane Downs children: Where are Christie and Stephen now? I stand corrected. His attorneys, meanwhile, persuaded a judge with deep Republican ties to seal the ex-pastor's divorce file to protect Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale from scrutiny. So here is one for you. Who ever got that car? Dread/Alan, thank you for the way you express things. That is not a word to blame another person but to remember that we are often seduced by our own desires. "There were no other allegations," he says. Police say Thomas has admitted to the abuse (though his criminal trial is pending). Your silence at the question presented to you is not a projection but a resounding answer to your hypocrisy, and the points I present are nowhere addressed, except to say Im an angry man, didnt Jesus speak of righteous indignation, but what did he say of cowards and hypocrites? lol. Whats the big deal, so he diddled a few broads, werent they consenting adults, how can anyone judge, maybe they had an open marriage, comman people relax its only sex, it only last a few minutes, what is that, like less than 5% of all the other things hes doing for the church, leave the guy alone, I dont see any women complaining, didnt King David have a few dozen women standing in the wings waiting for their turn, and how bout Solomon, a few hundred to choose from, well dont read their works in your Bible then, and isnt every pastor guilty of adultery if you take Jesus words seriously, that to look upon a woman with lust youve already committed adultery, using this criteria shouldnt every pastor in America be fired, give the guy a break, hes a good teacher, everyone strays a little bit and has a little strange on the side, many wives know this and realize it doesnt mean anything, just a little release. They are serious brothers and members of the body of Christ and you should give honor if you want to be treated with honor. It is not an easy process, but you will find one. There is a lot more mercy proffered on this blog this weekend regarding this matter than I read last weekend when the subject was the WV matter. They are always the main arrows in the enemy quiver that are fiery darts. Can you provide some more info links, etc.? 20:3 and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, What kind of a pit will hold a non bodied being like Satan. Closet. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. Right now, my concern is for the wife, the children, and the congregation. And I am not a Calvinist. You are a funny guy 1st you quote to me Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, and then you tell me you JUST READ THE BIBLE which is it. Both guilty? The internet and increased availability of sexual content, both in the explosion of adult entertainment and media in general has really opened the door to men (and boys and women and girls) to be exposed to so much. We are all vulnerable and weak!! But two weeks after his surprise resignation, Assistant Pastor Chet Lowe filled Coy's followers in on what had happened. Sorry but when my Bible says that he died not for my sins alone but for the sins of the whole world, then anything else is garbage! So good to hear from Diane Coy as - Good News Media Group - Facebook Hugh. Please remember the mercy and forgiveness that out Heavenly Father has shown you before you judge or cast stones. Its sad cause his son is supposed to attend there this fall. He was the multi million dollar big shot who was an actor on stage . I have visited many other churches, I am not a Coy groupie, and consider myself spirit filled. In 1989, CadZZilla, a customized 1949 Cadillac, was commissioned by ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons, conceived by Jack Chisenhall, and designed by Chisenhall and Larry Erickson. Im sorry you have experienced the pain you described and hope the best for you. Silence. > Steve Wright, ( obviously a real person, one of the brave ones): as you correctly state, I am in fact a visitor, and apparently one arriving with nievte (relative to a newcomer).as you so poignantly state, caught in the wreckage Yours is the only post that reflects some of what I would expect/hope for amongst believers , (and for that I thank you i.e. The regulars here are great people. Because, they know where you got your doctrine, and they know going in, all the errors and twists of interpretation. When that sold well, on the spur of the moment they added another day. Ive experienced firsthand how these women throw themselves at him and its disgusting.. What did the church do in the Middle Ages? These are well documented facts. Is your information reliable? Im doubting your ability to graciously recognize that many other Christians have come to other conclusions using the same Bible as your own. My beef with Mac is that his version of the gospel is gospel by correct doctrine and holy living which I dont think is correct. Hopefully cooler heads prevail. Andy, now you are not being honest in fact you are being purposely dishonest. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. The church clearly did not think this. Coy, who has also been divorced from his wife, is reportedly looking into the prospect of starting a new church again despite the controversy. He declined to discuss the child abuse case except to say he is innocent and passed a polygraph test to prove it. Make your own application. When did I ever mention Bob Coy? I was there. When Smith burnt people down like this they never came back. Wonderful speaker, truly inspiring, but Gay all the same. Looks like Lucifer is starting to write in now. Im what you call a baby Christian. Do you REALLY think that the shame would be easier to bear? Frankly, we are afraid to go anywhere now. Bob Coy founded Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale and turned it into a 25,000-member powerhouse before resigning in disgrace. "That whole approach always ends up hiding pedophiles.". Barbara, well done. ", "Moses was the leader appointed by God," Smith told Christianity Today in 2007. I pray Kestler hasnt moved on to another church where he can keep the same pattern going, Unless he is truly restored spiritually to the Lord. The CC dove poops again. I personally put together four events where many who visit here got together in person and had great food and time together. We are living in times unlike any other time in history, when did you ever hear of kids sexting, porn at the click of a button, drugs (marihuana) legalized, same sex marriage being made the law of the land, its a war the Bible says that is raging with the devil knowing that his time is short, woe onto you inhabitants of the earth for the devil comes down to you with great wrath knowing that his days are short So we have casualties of war, BC is a casualty of this war, one who needs healing and restoration, not expulsion and condemnation! I would point out a few things. Anonymity has been part of my schtick too for most of the time here. Reading something about the spiritual state of a released preacher by how the press release is worded is sheer folly. MLD this is interesting and the first ive heard of this. If you are blessed, you may find one to lay your weary self at for a while. This whole thing is hard on you, but it doesnt justify what youre doing. That does not negate anothers sin. I love this while trying to mock me Flynn said I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said:. Even worse, they said church officials knew full well he was a pedophile: He'd been kicked out of another Calvary youth ministry in California after being charged with sex crimes there. I think thats a YES! Flynn, And no I dont listen to Chuck Missler or have a Schofield, I just read the Bible, you should try it sometime!. When one is so charismatic and manipulative, it is not hard to distinguish between the 2 for me. , ; , . You are correct. Lets start with forgiveness and reconciliation and look at the bigger picture as a sinner he will be more effective as an example to the unsaved. Process and healing will take time. Whoever is talking about pride ? 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. on and on ad nauseum ] The real power wont be shown by succumbing to any of these dangers. 12 And He will set up an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the dispersed of Israel, and gather together the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth. You may respond to the Gospel and be saved, sure. He does need some time out [sorry, lol, seems funny, no pun intended] as he sets himself aside in repentance and prayer as to the Lord, but, sometimes we judge too harshly as if we know all things when it is God who knows all things. , : - -, - -. It boggles the mind. He was forced to resign. And somewhere along the line, Coy slipped right back into his old life. Jesus must be so proud of all of us right now:(. Its not that I am questioning you, just that what you say rings truer to what I have heard in the past. I said way at the top that Bob Coy can be restored as a brother. This is awful. Krent W. I apologize for my flippant remark to your initial comment at 338. In other words, on any given day what looks like a bunch of anonymous posts are actually not. You sound too often like a bored office worker that just likes to argue with people online. daughter, Oh Beacon of Insight Perhaps, if thou deemest it, A Blog to Enlighten the teeming masses in darkness lost, misled, and disillusioned Might See and hear Truth from on High Truth from on Hugh coming straight and unvarnished from He and You. Did anyone see Fireproof? What is HIS selfish and SATAN centered motive for this exposure?????? I pray that he must show true repentance and fruit before he is ever allowed to preach from any pulpit, and I pray that process is not rushed along as we often have seen happen in the past with other fallen pastors. MLD, I think the Whittenburg door is blocking your ability to understand scripture, Jesus said, do this in memory of me in John 6 when he spoke to them of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, he told them after the crowds left that he was speaking to them spiritually! He was the Passover lamb that they would be internalizing when he died on the cross for their sins! They too should hear, hey, we all sin, we all slip up. Im glad its yours and yours alone, this way perhaps you might just keep your hypocrisy to yourself, just be ready that when you judge a man, you are ready to be judged as well! What I did say is held by 80% of the Church today. come now and get real it is plain as day, that if you really read the Bible with all your heart you would know that the mark of the beast is a bar code stamped on your forehead. This whole mess has really brought some things into question for me, a new believer Adultery is certainly throughout the 66 books BUT not within those called into ministry as far as I can find. What was the result of your victimization? God doesnt care how much money a person has. One harsh standard for othersthen grace! and mercy! and not the same standard when its time for the pastor to pay for his sins. Coddington was known for clean, elegant designs combining old school with what would come to be known as the "Boyd Look". MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. MLD, Im simply asking you to tell me ONE thing that Luther was wrong about in doctrine (in his confessions or from whatever source you like). How is it bogus? Jesus is speaking in narrative form everything he has spoken up to this point is straight narrative, and no symbolism and no figurative speech; 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the[c] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Together with John Buttera,[3] Boyd pioneered this "billet" machined look and applied it not only to wheels, but broadly throughout the car.[4]. For the people at CC Fort Lauderdale, and the family of Bob Coy we should grieve and pray for the pain and disappointment, and even betrayal they must feel. All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. Two years later, her family sued Calvary, alleging leaders should have done more to stop Thomas. The way we are transformed is by accepting the Rest that remains. He shucks at the power of the blood of Jesus, he basically says no problem regarding the mark of the beast the list goes on and on.
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