In The Catcher in the Rye, how does Holden describe his mother? His creative work could appear only in our days. can i write about composition?? He does not want to grow up because hes afraid of the unknown, or whats coming next in his life. Holden can think about and judge the Eskimo in the display case, but the Eskimo will never judge him back. . The following example point out that the writers style is so rich and full of different devices from which can be deduced the next translation difficulties which are find out from the novel during the process of analyzing the both variants of the novel English and Romanian: Related with the informal nature stated, it must also point out the absence of any type of logical structure in Holdens discourse. This brief passage occurs in Chapter 3, after Holden has returned to his dorm room and is being pestered by Ackley. Does Holden have sex with Sunny, the prostitute? The main representatives of this period are Ernest Hemingway, Sherwood Anderson, F. Scott Fitzgerald and the writer whose work would be treated in this thesis is J. D. Salinger with his well-known novel The Catcher in the Rye.. In other words, in ellipsis an item is replaced by nothing. The pressure of adolescent sexualityan important theme throughout The Catcher in the Rye makes itself felt here for the first time: Holden's greatest worry is that Stradlater will make sexual advances toward Jane. Read more about the setting of The Catcher in the Rye. Instead of paying attention to the game, he would write poetry on his glove while playing the outfield. An opaque expression may be easier to translate than a transparent one. But the main of them, as it has been mentioned before is the difference in the structure of the English and Romanian languages. Salinger, the other novelty was the big critic of the society that it represented. Why does Holden hate Ackley? The reader is intrigued by the dramatic aspect of the quarrel with Stradlater and hardly realizes that he is being cunningly conditioned to believe that Holden is capable of writing "The Catcher in the Rye," a book full of subtle observations about people and about life in general. Home from his date, Stradlater barges into the room. I have a feeling that you're riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! A translation should always include the tasks and the qualities (or even the standards) a translation should perform. Please wait while we process your payment. It is a memorable moment, because Holden clearly lacks such willingness in other aspects of his life. Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead. The Modernists constructed their works out of fragments, omitting the exposition, transitions, resolutions, and explanations used in traditional literature., Many scientists investigated J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Ray expressed their points of view such as: In 1961, the critic Alfred Kazin explained that Salinger's choice of teenagers as a subject matter was one reason for his appeal to young readers, but another was "a consciousness [among youths] that he speaks for them and virtually to them, in a language that is peculiarly honest and their own, with a vision of things that capture their most secret judgments of the world." Why wouldn't Holden be back to Pencey after Christmas vacation? What is Holden's view of women and girls in The Catcher in the Rye? Reserved epithets composed of two nouns linked by an of phrase. It is, of course related to the development of a given languages and formation of its lexical system. For example attempts to justify a theft usually explain the motives (e.g., to feed a starving family). Why is Holden obsessed with the ducks at the Central Park Lagoon? The combination of the first two types of are clear pointed out to the reader in the beginning where the author used indirect speech for giving clear details about the main character and also this type is used through whole novel for giving more detail where it is necessary, the direct speech is used by the author in order to show to the reader the way of talking of the characters of the novel. Romanian version imitates indeed the way teenagers speak nowadays and uses more colorful equivalents and expressions than the first version. The purpose of metaphor is to liven up the text, make it more colorful, dramatic and witty - that is, metaphor carries out an emotive function. They are trite and typical for many users, and fixed by the dictionary, as mostly idioms. The problem is to find a translating expression. In this graduation paper there are given such methods of investigation: The goal of this paper is to discover the lexical peculiarities and difficulties in translation from English into Romanian. Rev. One of the main problem or difficulty in translation- is the use of bilingual dictionaries. Relationships, intimacy, and sexuality are also recurring motifs relating to the larger theme of alienation. Salinger. He died on July 18, 1946 in Maine. In the book, Holden explains the symbol meaning of the museums displays. This can be done on diachronic level: Chaucers text is translated into modern English. Holden believes childhood is very. It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. Alex Gross, The Theories of Translation. The author used in his novel the comparison to show to the reader the variety and difference in Holdens thoughts. Peculiar use of set expressions (clichs, proverbs. And this features enables the translator to use his creativity in translation. By throwing a tantrum. Holden dated her until her father made them stop seeing each other. One of the most important translation difficulties is grammatical translation difficulties which is the hardest one in the identification and in the same time which change the structure and the meaning of the words from the source text into target text. Another lexical peculiarity that was used in this writing is one of the types of the interaction of different types of lexical meaning and this type is an interaction of logical and emotive meaning. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Holden has to be in the mood to do anything. Instead of paying attention to the game, he would write poetry on his glove while playing the outfield. Holden is an immature boy who in trying to seem older tends to lean more towards phoniness, a quality he despises in others. Anything descriptive. Inter-semiotic translation or transmutation (an interpretation of verbal signs of non-verbal sign systems). As suggested by Kussmaul (1995), it is a good practice to classify the kinds of errors/difficulties. The many negative reactions were mainly caused by the social and political background of the postwar period, by misunderstanding the text, by misreading it, by associating the novel with famous criminals and the reading of the novel by the wrong audienceteenagers instead of adults. Stradlater had said the composition was supposed to be a simple description of a room, a house, or something similarly straightforward. on 50-99 accounts. The author used a lot of stylistic devices of these kinds in order to capture readers attention to the smallest elements used by the writer for pointing out those elements that could not be used without those peculiarities of Modernists writers. 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The main task of a translator is to remember and take into account all the difficulties of translation and render the authors thought as accurate as possible using different literal devices employed originally by the author. They used to live near each other and hung out over the summer, Holden really liked her. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. It could even state that Holdens personality is more important than the story he is going to tell us. Afterwards, Salinger struggled with unwanted attention, including a legal battle in the 1980s with biographer Ian Hamilton and the release in the late 1990s of memoirs written by two people close to him: Joyce Maynard, an ex-lover; and Margaret Salinger, his daughter. In Modernism the object is; the language doesn't mean it is. | "Rather than writing a description of a room or a house, Holden writes a description of his younger brother Allies baseball glove. In The Catcher in the Rye, what do Holden and Stradlater fight over? Rev. Rev. Question 3 60 seconds Q. Holden's decision to write about a baseball glove, a subject Stradlater considers unacceptable, leads to their fight, which is one of the factors leading to all the subsequent events in the novel: "All of a sudden, I decided what I'd really do, I'd get the hell out of Pencey--right that same night and all. The best one in it was The Secret Goldfish. Gradation of epithets, that is a sequence of synonymous epithets, is constructed on a different basis in English and in Romanian. But Holden cannot think of anything to say about a house or a room, so he writes about a baseball glove that his brother Allie used to copy poems onto in green ink. She was the daughter of his mother's best friend. Salinger's portrayal of Holden, which includes incidents of depression, nervous breakdown, impulsive spending, sexual exploration, vulgarity, and other erratic behavior, have all attributed to the controversial nature of the novel. That's a deer shooting hat.. Yes, Holden agrees with Stradlater to write composition for him because he decided to make a deal with the society. Theyre nice and all Im not saying that but. eNotes Editorial, 22 Dec. 2012, Holden, traumatized and aware of the fragility of the life by his brother Allies death, Holden is terrified by the idea of change and disappearances. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. He travels to New York at Christmastime to make a genuine human connection with another person.. Simile is a more cautious form of metaphor. Another problem is the transferred qualifier, or an epithet syntactically joined to a word to which it does not belong logically. [email protected]. In English, gradation is based on rhythmical sequence; in Romanian, this device is logic-centered: the word, most important logically, is positioned in the end of the sequence. Holden's deep unresolved sadness over the loss of his brother, a person he tells us was better than him,who should not have died at such as young age, indicates that he feels a sense of guilt over being alive Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead.One of the central From these two parts in different languages could be resulted that were used different types of translation difficulties in order to give the smallest basic elements that couldnt be seen without analyzing these two parts and taking into account the main element that mast be discussed translation difficulties. Volume 17, The World book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc a Scott Fetzer Company Chicago London Sydney Toronto 1997,,,1767434,00.html,, These two criterias identify the needs for a good knowledges in English in some of its branches of science. An idiom or fixed expression may have no equivalent in the target language. . J. D. Salinger and The Catcher in the Rye Background. Stuff is a collection of junk or a group of items or matter. To respect, whenever possible, all the syntax and lexical repetitions, shoot the bull = telling lies, small talk. When Holden's roommate, Ward Stradlater, requested him to write his Englishcomposition for him, he didn't specify a subject. cookie policy. The Catcher in the Rye is a work written by J. D. Salinger that from different points of view combine some types of translation difficulties. This, the passage in which Holden reveals the source of the book's title, is perhaps the most famous in the book. Holden gets up and goes into Ackleys room, his face covered in blood. If Fred and Joe address the issue of whether or not Fred's cat has fleas, Joe may state: "Fred, your cat has fleas. J. D. Salinger with his well-known work The Catcher in the Rye is also one of the main representatives of this literature. Holdens jargon is very important, because it emphasizes how this teenager was, how he talked We can see that Salinger has the tendency to use the second person pronoun you and the irony Its easy to see Holdens thoughts: the author reproduces the teenagers mind quite well. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1994; Stern, James. The modern world's general moral change and the individual's alienation from the society serve. In short, must take into account all the above mentioned elements while translating the text. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Throughout the book, The Catcher In the Rye, the theme that I saw reoccurring in the novel was the painfulness of growing up. Equally surprising is Holdens willingness to go to the movies after his diatribes against their superficiality. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our To show the definition of the translation difficulties and to identify the types that could exist; To describe the main features of J. D. Salingers work The Catcher in the Rye; To make a clear deffinition of the lexical peculiarities and to point the types of this peculiarities for identification of them in the Salinger's work The Catcher in the Rye; To analize Salinger's work and to identify the translation difficulties in The Catcher in the Rye.; To identify the main meaning of the words that were used by the author in the order to point out their function in the context; To point out the usage of the lexical peculiarities and translation difficulties in the analysed text; To investigate grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties of translation in J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye. The first type of translation difficulties that could be seen in J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Ray is distinguished between various uses of a word of general vocabulary. His last published work, a novella entitled "Hapworth 16, 1924," appeared in The New Yorker on June19, 1965. When his parents return home, Holden slips out and visits his former and much-admired English teacher, Mr. Antolini, who expresses concern that Holden is headed for "a terrible fall". He feels guilty that he, who lives because he is not sick like Allie was, is inferior and stupid. Distinguishing between various meanings of a word of general vocabulary. . (J. D. Salinger: 7). He has different perspective to other people, even though he has a. Salinger a very controversial writer, for the subject matters that he writes. SparkNotes PLUS Intralinguistic translation, or rewording means interpreting verbal signs through other signs of the same language. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text. When he calls him a moron, Stradlater warns him to be quiet, but he only . Why? By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Lexical cohesion is a relation that exists between or among specific elements of different sentences in a text and is achieved through the vocabulary. Hyperbole is a device which is sharpens the readers ability to make a logical assessment of the utterance. equivalence of form and shape. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. He has a cynical, oversimplified view of other people, and a large part of his fantasy world is based on the idea that children are simple and innocent while adults are superficial and hypocritical. Romanian translation has the tendency to skip certain short passages or expressions of the ST in order to adapt them to the TT and Romanian style presented examples in point. The author of this work is a writer that succeeded to combine all elements that represent this period in his work. This passage, in which Holden explains why he loves the Museum of Natural History, is located in Chapter 16. Holden never comments on the hats significance other than to mention its unusual appearance. Translation difficulties and lexical pecularities are the main points of an analyses. Joe has made an argument that the cat has fleas. One problem which will arise in translation is the translating of the third-person pronoun from Persian as a source text- into English as a target text. Or the time when Holden's roommate Stradlater was not satisfied with the composition he asked Holden to write and Holden reacted to it. Thats all id do all day. Its a symbol of uniqueness and individuality as well. Its possible that Salingers character in this case, Holden- is expressed in his own works: some literary critics insist that the author is very controversial, and his novels are not simple. Holden seems to feel increasing pressure as he moves toward leaving school, and Salinger manipulates the details of Holdens physical environment to match his protagonists feelings. In the wake of Modernism, and post-enlightenment, meet narratives tended to be emancipator, whereas beforehand this was not a consistent characteristic. The third problem is the use of bilingual dictionaries. The difference is that the attempt is not to settle whether or not some claim is true, it is to show why it is true. Another important type of translation difficulty that was used by the author in his writing The Catcher in the Rye is abbreviation that is a kind of shortening of the words through cutting one of the part of the word and using the apostroph for joining two words, that is the type which create a lot of problem in the prosses of translation.. Therse exemples of translation difficulties used by the author in his vovel The Catcher in the Ray shows to the reader that the writer tried to combine in his work different features of the period in which he activated that is Modernism and some important features of the previous period which is Realism. It is therefore unrealistic to expect to find equivalent idioms and expressions in the target language as a matter of course.[17:p45]. Little Brown Books, New York: 1945. The Romanian version always uses euphemisms and euphemistic formulations when translating SL colloquial expressions (mainly explained by the social, political and cultural constraints from the period of its publication), while the second version uses (almost all the time) the same informal, at times vulgar, linguistic register as the ST, managing at the same time to capture the nuances and subtleties of the original. The following problem which demands careful consideration in lexical transformations of translation is problem of word combinability. Furthermore, it should be point out major differences in the translation of Salingers use of colloquial and taboo language in the English and Romanian versions, the Romanian version was the farthest because of its abundant use of euphemisms and euphemistic formulations throughout the book. In conclusion can be said that a translation does not necessarily have to be better than another one, all it has to do is to achieve its goal and reach its target audience successfully. Purchasing It is a comparison of two objects when the linkage is made explicit, like drumming like a noise in dreams. It occurs in Chapter 22, after Holden has slipped quietly back into his apartment and is speaking with Phoebe. Translation of these words depends on the context, which helps to identify their concrete meaning. By the late 1950s, as Salinger became more reclusive and involved in religious study, Hamilton notes that his stories became longer, less plot-driven, and increasingly filled with digression and parenthetical remarks. I have also tried to briefly present the reception of the novel, the translations and solutions offered to the problems raised by Salingers use of colloquial language in other countries. This author achieved his fame through his especial style of writing that was pointed out in J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Rye. Our search for who we are is fuelled by our innate desire to achieve a sense of acceptance and belonging. Latest answer posted November 15, 2019 at 6:03:44 PM. This may be intended to explain why he doesn't write about his adventures and misadventures in New York until some time after these events have occurred. Alliefelt separate from his teammates while playing baseball. A translation difficulty is a problem that could be met in the process of translation because a translation is the same text in a different language. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions.
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